With the national average of homeowners insurance rising 20% to $1400 more people are choosing to go without. Twelve percent are choosing to ‘go bareback’ without home insurance and about half of the uncovered homes have an income of $40,000. We created Wenatchee Insurance to provide more people access to shopping an independent agency.
My grandmother instructed me to always pay the fire insurance after the mortgage as she saw too many people lose everything. In 2014 Central Washington had the Carlton Complex fire with 553 structures lost and nearly half were uninsured. Nine years later not everything has recovered.
Home insurance is like a safety net for your house. It helps protect you in case something bad happens, like a fire, a big storm, or a robbery. If you’re thinking about not getting home insurance, here are some things to think about:
Rules from the Bank: If you have a loan for your house, the bank might say you have to get insurance. They want to make sure their investment is safe. In some cases, if you default then they will purchase coverage in their favor at your expense.

Being Ready for Trouble: If something really bad happens to your house, like a big fire, having insurance could help you pay for fixing things. If you’re confident you could pay for repairs yourself, you might consider skipping insurance. Do you have the thousands in the bank to rebuild your losses?
Where You Live: If you live in a place where things like floods, earthquakes, or fires can happen, it’s riskier. Insurance could help you if these things damage your house. In the Pacific Northwest, some studies are pointing to dryer, warmer summers which lead to more wildfires.
Stuff You Have: If you have valuable things in your house, like expensive electronics or jewelry, insurance could help replace them if they’re stolen or destroyed.
Someone Gets Hurt: If someone comes to your house and gets hurt, insurance could help pay if they sue you. Liability is a big issue.
Remember, skipping insurance could be risky. If something bad happens, you might have a hard time paying for repairs or replacing your things. It’s a good idea to talk to someone who knows about money and insurance before deciding. Wenatchee Insurance Agency shops multiple companies to make sure our neighbors can rebuild from a loss.
Topics: Wenatchee Insurance, Insurance Quote, Home Insurance, Manufactured Home Insurance, Mobile home insurance, Wenatchee, Chelan, Fire Insurance, Okanogan, Douglas County, Independent Insurance Agency, Insurance Shopping, Wild Fire, Carlton Fire, BLM, Eastern Washington, Climate Change, Drought, Independent Insurance Agency,