Sometimes it helps to remember things when put to a simple rhyme. We are going to consult the Bard.

If you missed open enrollment, don’t despair,
Here’s a rhyme for situations quite rare:
When life throws a curve, like a baby’s new cry,
Or marriage bells chime under the sky,
That’s a time when you can apply.
If you move your abode, a new place to dwell,
Or lose your old coverage, as records can tell,
These events open the gate, so all can be well.
A citizenship change, a status update,
Or if Medicaid says, “Sorry, you’re late,”
These too swing wide the special enrollment fate.
But remember, my friend, in this healthcare quest,
Timing is key to getting the best,
Typically 60 days post-event, no jest!
So if life changes course, be it merry or tense,
You’ve got a chance for insurance hence,
In this rhyme, I hope, it all makes sense!
The bottom line:
If you do not have health insurance then we want to see you ASAP to see if you qualify. Special Events can also occur and you could be qualified and not even know it for a plan cheaper than you expected.
This was the first year that we could assist with insuring Washington state residents that did not have citizenship like DACA or dreamers.
We do our best to make insurance understandable and usable. Wenatchee Insurance doesn’t charge fees and answers questions throughout the year. Suzie was a pharmacy technician and is incredibly usefully.

Topics: Chelan, Dental, Health, Independent Insurance Agency, Life, Mission, SEP, Special Enrollment Suzie, Wenatchee,