Does Medical Crowdfunding work? The American Journal of Public Health found that only 12% of medical GoFundMe campaigns reached their goals and a whopping 16% received no donations at all. Passing a hat to pay for expenses sucks and I would not wish that on anyone.
Alternate to GoFundMe
Let’s keep it light. Here are the top 10 humorous reasons you might consider getting life insurance:
- Ghost Support: To make sure your ghost can haunt in style, with the latest ethereal gadgets like the “Boo-Bluetooth” or “Specter-Spectacles.”
- Debt Zombie Apocalypse: Life insurance helps ensure that your debts don’t rise from the grave to haunt your family, because the only thing worse than actual zombies is debt zombies.
- Funeral Extravaganza: So you can afford a funeral that’s less “sob and sniffle” and more “rock concert with pyrotechnics,” because you always wanted to go out with a bang!
- Mortgage-B-Gone Magic: Wave that wand and say goodbye to the mortgage! It’s the financial equivalent of a vanishing act for the ultimate peace of mind.
- Kid’s College Fund… or Bail Money: Whether it’s for their education or in case they take after your wild younger days, you’ve got it covered!
- Inheritance Roulette: Leave a game of financial Clue for your relatives. “I bequeath my collection of rare cheese labels to… the one who can stand on one leg the longest.”
- Guilt-Free Shopping Spree: Gives your partner the chance to indulge in retail therapy without the guilt, because “Honey, it’s what they would’ve wanted.”
- Secret Lair Maintenance Fund: Keeps your secret lair in tip-top condition for future generations of family super-villains or superheroes. Your kid could be Batman. Your legacy of mysterious hideouts lives on!
- The “I Told You So” Clause: For all the times you said you’d die before going to your in-laws’ house for dinner… and well, you want to be a person of your word.
- Santa Replacement Service: Ensures that Christmas remains a jolly affair with a professional Santa to fill your boots. Elves and reindeer rentals are, however, optional extras.

Remember, while it’s fun to add a touch of humor, life insurance is a serious matter that helps provide financial security for those you care about most! We will assist you along the way.
Topics: Wenatchee Insurance, Life Insurance, Term Life, Whole Life, Family Planning, Final Expense, Health, Medicare, Chelan, Okanogan, Leavenworth, Liability,