Individual Health Insurance Is My Plan Going To Cost More Next Year?
Matt and Suzie have been helping people find health insurance that they can understand, use and afford. We are already seeing the challenges start to build with the changes to cost for next year.
The Washington Office of Insurance has released the proposed rate changes.
Yes, every year the rates are put out for public comment for the following year. They are not the final numbers. These remind me of the 2019 increases which means people will be shopping. Select your appointment now.
When to enroll in Health Insurance
Healthcare Open Enrollment starts October 1st runs to December 15th for plans starting January 1st.
If you have a major income adjustment then you want to select from December 1st through 15th.
If you select a healthcare plan from December 16 through January 15th then it will start February 1st.
Proposed Health Insurance rates for 2025:
I am putting in the links to make comments as it is important:
Asuris is off exchange increase 15.84% requested. Make comment Here
They made $789,164 and served 994 customers they also had 84.60% in claims.
Bridgespan Health Company increase 20.28% requested. Make comment here.
They lost $2,578,400 and served 544 customers they also had 86.24% in claims.
1st NCW Health Insurance Plan on Exchange
Community Health Plan of Washington (also known as Ambetter) increase 4.54% requested make comment here.
They lost $2,958,935 and served 23,598 customers they also had 85.19% in claims.

2nd NCW Health Insurance Plan on Exchange
Coordinated Care Corporation increase 12.15% requested. Make Comment here.
They lost $5,758,758 after risk adjustment and served 83,378 with 81.21% in claims
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington increase 6.4% requested. Make comment here
They lost $3,189,795 and served 7,232 in Clark and Cowlitz increase 6.4% with 86.48% in claims.
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington increase 7.88% requested. Make comment here.
They lost $15,507,921 and served 46,266 heavy risk adjustment payback with 86.73% in claims.
3rd NCW Health Insurance Plan on Exchange
Lifewise Health Plan of Washington increase of 8.03% requested. Make Comment here.
They made $3,570,521.20 and served 26,659 with 82.04% in claims.

Lifewise Health Plan of Washington increase of 6.9% requested. (Grandfathered Plans) Make Comment here.
They made $4,944,849 and served 2,224 with 81.91% in claims.
Molina Healthcare of Washington increase 7.55% requested. Make Comment here
They made $2,476.238 and served 41,454 with 82.02% in claims.
Premera Blue Cross increase of 14.87% requested. Make Comment here.
They made $10,754,109 and served 10,493 with 86.39% in claims.
Providence Health Plan increase 9.34% requested. Make comment here.
They lost $353,142 and served 246 with 82.95% in claims.
Regence Bluecross Blueshield of Oregon increase 16.8% requested. Make comment here.
They lost $2,655,266 after risk adjustment and served 8,397 with 85.44% in claims.
Regence Blueshield increase 23.81% requested. Make comment here.
They lost $6,585,594 and served 28,369 with 87.14% in claims.
United Healthcare of Oregon increase 23.56% requested. Make comment here.
They made $5,806.55 (thanks to risk adjustment) and served 6,207 with 83.62% in claims.
At Wenatchee Insurance, we enroll year round as people qualify for special enrollments. Plus we also take care of property insurance like cars, homes, and businesses alongside the Health, Medicare and Life Insurances.
Claims are driving up costs to insurance companies, who have to pass it on to consumers. Make your comments known. The more subsidy that you receive then the lower amount since the benchmark plan (second lowest cost silver plan available) will shift. There will be a lot of people shopping, select your appointment early as Suzie and Matt will run out of space available.