Can my tribal affiliation affect Healthcare?

If you are an American Indian or Alaska Native, then healthcare was improved by the Affordable Care Act with it’s permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.  It took Matt nearly three years to find the first person that qualified for this program.

The Top Four:

 Here are the top four ways the Affordable Care Act (ACA) benefits Native Americans:

  1. No Cost-Sharing: Native Americans with certain income levels are exempt from co-pays and deductibles when they buy insurance through the ACA Marketplace. We like to print this out because it is radically different than most people are used to.
  2. Special Enrollment Privileges: Native Americans can enroll in health insurance through the Marketplace any time of the year, not just during the standard open enrollment period. If you enroll before the 15th then your plan starts on the 1st of the following month.
  3. Access to More Services: The ACA provides additional funding to the Indian Health Service, improving and expanding available healthcare services.
  4. Coverage for Preventive Services: The ACA ensures coverage for various preventive services without additional costs, which is crucial for maintaining good health.

For the Affordable Care Act (ACA), proof of tribal affiliation typically involves demonstrating membership or eligibility for services from a federally recognized tribe. This can be as simple as uploading your Tribal Membership Card or Tribal Enrollment Records.

The no cost sharing plans mean your only responsibility is paying the premium. There are zero co-pays and zero-deductibles on these plans. If you run into network issues then they can be changed the following month with ease.

Suzie and Matt assist people in understanding and enrolling in health plans without charging any fees. For six years, they ran the Enrollment Center in Wenatchee. They continue a similar effort with Wenatchee Insurance supporting more insurance products.


Topics: Tribal Health, Enrollment, Healthcare, Wenatchee Insurance, NCW Insurance, Native American, ACA, Healthplanfinder

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